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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 7A  FOX  September 24, 2015 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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birds. >> now would rather stay home, you can watch the philadelphia eagles here on fox, they take on the jets up at new york city sunday. but is this going to be a rough game? i think so. we've got three, actually, four major players, that are not able to play because of injuries. g cobb is in at a plan. i don't know what he has up his sleeve. it won't be easy. straight up 7:00. we have to investigate something. it looks like the back after squad car, but yet, you can tell she's out on the town looking like cookie from the empire show. >> empire premiere party, we said everyone should dress time press, so i decided to be cookie inspired. >> but then, late night came. >> oh,. >> and that happened. >> ya. >> we'll explain. >> different type of inspiration.
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>> explaining to do, as we get started on your thursday morning, but no explanation needed for this. it is perfect. today is going to be a ten out of ten. it is a little on the cool side this morning. but sin we all thought yesterday was a ten, today's going to turn out very much the same, and we've got cool start, a the love clouds, sunshine, temperatures in the 50's, 60s, and that pesky southern storm that we will watch so carefully for the weekend weather, more details on that coming up. look at the gorgeous start, sunrise, official at 6:50, 58 degrees right now with a bit of breeze, about 5 miles an hour, some temperatures in the's to get started this morning, that he sweater weather for sure. fifty-eight in philadelphia. at the moment, a high temperature, how about this? 82 degrees, little bit warmer, than it was yesterday that takes care of thursday, can we keep this going for the weekend? short answer probably not. we will give you the longer answer coming up, bob kelly. >> 70:00; morning, the latest on this accident, involving
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the septa bus open the schuylkill, some god news, moved it off to the shoulder here, westbound right near south street. i just heard from septa's heather red fun, she said it was a route g, g as in george bus, that was traveling west on the schuylkill when the vehicle cut the bus off it, make contact, however, no one on the bus operator not injured, no injuries to the driver of the car. all good news, except for everyone trying to get through the accident scene here coming from south philadelphia trying to get out into the city or out to conshohocken, your best bet use 95, and the vine expressway, to get around that delay. the only closure that's in effect right now same deal the last couple of days, ben franklin parkway closed both directions martin luther king drive, motorists push off at the vine expressway if you use the kelly drive, you're pushed off onto fairmount avenue. of course no parking restrictions remain here, in center city, a tip if you are coming into the city today,
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take advantage of the parking garage, that that's where you want to park so you don't have your car towed. back to you. >> forty-eight hours from right now, we will be looking up into the sky looking for an airplane bringing pope francis to the great city of philadelphia. closures go into effect today. jenny joyce telling you thousand get in and out the sit for pope's visit. bruce gordon live in d.c. where the pope will address congress today, historic moment. why don't we start with that? hi, bruce. lots of antis paying, real ill the first of three important speeches he will give during the us trip clearly more political and current events in nature than purely religious, we'll show you the pope in action yesterday. he was out and about throughout the day, on wednesday, number of public events, but also spent time out on the streets in the so called pope mobile, watching and waving the crowds line the streets to catch glimpse
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couple of cases and their children to have papal kiss or blessing bestowed upon their little one. but pom call nature of the visit already somewhat in view, at the very first event of the day. pope meeting with president obama at the white house, let's listen as the pope talks about his views, which of course helped with the president's on the fight against global warming. >> proposing an initiative for reducing air pollution. >> the urgency, it seems clear to me also that climate change is a problem we can no longer be left to your future generation.
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>> pope francis yesterday with president owe bamm, a the speech this morning will take place at 10:00. expected to run roughly half hour or so, do not be surprise today hear the pope touch on politically more controversial issues, he already touched yesterday on the controversial subject of improved us relations with cuba. during his time at the capitol, all of this staged right down to the last detail, will stop at statue area hall, the place where each. fifty states donates two statues of important figures in their states history, interestingly, the father, serra, just cannonize yesterday, one of the two california statues, pope francis will stop and quickly pay respects to the junipero serra, as he leaves the capitol this morning, after his address to congress, "el" stop at the memorial door, that he the location where back in 19982 capitol police
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officers were shot and killed, during a violent incident here. the only time in us history that capitol police were killed defending the us capitol. so he'll stop briefly at that location, as well. later today it is onto new york, and a busy schedule there, as well, but before he does, we have already gotten word that he's decided to turn down a lunch invitation with congressional leaders, will lunch instead and in fact serve lunch we're told to some of the homeless community, in washington, d.c. so, a busy day for the pope. we will have that speech for you at 10:00 o'clock. should be fascinating stuff. >> for sure. thank you, bruce, so pope francis, isn't it in the lawmakers really wanted to go to lunch with i and so he decides to put up a big tent, and serve 300 homeless people. >> yes, he will be there. >> isn't that something? >> the speech will stand right where president owe balance a -- for the state of the union address, behind him, two catholics, john boehner speaker of the house and our vice president, joe biden? really special for boehner, because he's been trying to get a pope to come speak, for
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20 years, finally it has happened. >> yes. >> bang here at home, security got tight nerve preparation for pope francis' arrival. >> for sure. have you seen all of the heavy trucks and vehicles all of the fencing? steve? >> mike, good spot for the pope parade here, because look, they got rised reviewing stands so be able to see over the crowd between the inner loop and outer loop where the pope will crews by, you won't be block by the trees, so you might get a wave in the pope or picture on your cell phone, so this is pretty good. plus, it is pretty close to the stage, but you can see still far enough away where greg is right next to a jumbo tron, one of the many. this is even the first jumbo tron from the stage, they expect this to be far enough away from the stage, where you won't be able to see what's going on at the stage, but from this distance you can still see the shape of the stage, and a lot of the stage still being built right now, looks like, they're just
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starting this thing, based on all of the trucks still being delivered, whole lot of equipment still laying in the milted of a parkway, still whole lot of work to do before saturday and sunday, and sunday is the big day here on the parkway. gives them another day to build up everything here. but, dave schratwieser around last night, talking to some of the visitors, from out of town, and out of the country, and mayor nutter should hire this bishop from quebec, canada, who looked around town, and loved not just the city, but its people, based on everything he's met and seen during his visit. >> from what i've seen absolutely incredible, fantastic, the organization is stew pen dust, you know, the pope that comes, comes to bring us joy. and everybody we meet on the street is full of joy. so-so good, very welcoming, which is a great sign of the hospitality of the city of philadelphia, and everything
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going on. >> security bother you? >> not necessarily. because i would suppose that it is for the country a great responsibility. and so they want to give it their all, and that goes through security, of course. >> leading to up it i thought there would be -- we would see a lot more security, a lot more of t we haven't seen that much. we've seen a loft police officers specially now leading up to the days, closer to the actual arrival of the pope. and, but, i feel very secure and very hopeful, and if it does happen it, will contain very quickly. >> so, a lot of security tents and hospitality tent on the gown, look, even on roof thomas, around the parkway and independence hall, and for hospitality, want birds eye view, and just the thought as i toss back, mike, alec, these pope francis pilgrims, being warned, they'll have to walk for miles, and i thought how different from the original
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pilgrims? they take one step, all right, that's far enough. we're good. one step good for us. >> he can actually. >> yes, not a loft walking for them. >> thanks, hey, 7:10. let's talk about our eagles. big game coming up against the jets. talk to g cobb and our plan to beat the jets. >> another live look at the parkway, where pope francis will be celebrating that is in sunday. look at that stage, it is really going up.
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it's intelligent enough to warn of danger from virtually anywhere. it's been smashed, dropped and driven. it's perceptive enough to detect other vehicles on the road. it's been shaken, rattled and pummeled. it's innovative enough to brake by itself, park itself and help you steer. it's been in the rain... the cold... and dragged through the mud. introducing the all-new mercedes-benz gle. it's where brains meet brawn.
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>> we have a camera location, basically, right at the capitol building, in wash with a, dc. lockdown the washington mall. isn't that beautiful? and look at all of the people already. he's not even going to leave the vatican embassy until 9:00 this morning, that's almost two hours late. -- april way. >> not addressing congress until 10:00 o'clock. they're expecting tens of thousands of people to watch from the west lawn of the capitol. so they're already getting there, getting their spots. >> get there early, so we can have the same feeling this weekend here in philadelphia. get there early. well, the eagles will take on the jets on this sunday, we'll have it here on fox for you. and we hope they can play better but four key players injured. >> yes, gary cobb, just hoping we'll have some players to actually play it is tough, there will be some guys who will this game, insider linebacker position, demarco
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had your how yesterday strange almost hamstring, mri today, problems, meaning, probably -- >> but gary, we node his 7 yards per game. >> somebody there in tech as saying guys that lose don't grow on trees. >> my god. offensive line, we can't blame him. >> they got to get their act together, know times you have to double team, you got single block, you got man to man. you zone blocking things like that. they got to communicate, if this has been garbage, totally unprofessional, the way they've played so far. >> so -- >> did you hear some of the falcons, some of the cowboys saying, you know what in the play calling was casino of predictable. we kind of new what they were going to do. >> a lot of times you have an idea, but, things are subtle, and the key is execution.
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>> i don't think they know the place so well that they can stop them. it is horrible. throwing the ball all over the place, can't catch the stinking ball, you snow alex, could go out there and dot job better than these guys. >> put me in, coach. >> get out there. >> i don't know if you would want me out there. >> easy to say they just have to play better annex cute. >> you have to be focused. >> there are details. it is a detailed job. do you have do. >> i'm pretty darn impressed with the jets defense, though. they're two and zero. >> they look really good in their last game. >> it will be a tough game. >> yes. >> got to make sure, punt is okay, do not turn the ball over, eagles.
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bradford, particular choir of the ball, if they turn the ball over -- >> what's so funny? you said put me in coach. >> i'm red. >> i but do. >> this let's do this. >> i'm ready. >> i'm telling you, let's go through the players that are injured. kiko, that's right, demarco, yes, and then is mychal kendricks okay? >> questionable. >> i don't think he's going to play. >> he might not play either. >> he says he'll play with the pain, won't play this week. >> no, but couple of weeks he'll be back. >> maybe you will have to go in, alex? >> you look pretty good in that helmet. >> here's my football face. >> shoulder pads on you and everything. >> i'm ready for. >> this eagles on three. >> i don't do it for free, i need a contract. >> five, 6 million. >> we got you cover. >> thank you. >> look at me in the face.
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>> yes? >> are the eagles going to win the game? >> 1 percent of all teams in the history of the nfl that are going from zero and three to the playoffs. >> you know what? on that note then? >> you agree? you know what? great time being, the pope. >> we need a blessing. we need a blessing. >> pope? >> stay in new york and go to the jets game. >> real. >> i more important, just kidding. gary, good to see you. >> 7:17, looking at sue serio. >> this there ever were a time for a miracle this could be it >> as we get toward the weekend, whatever you're doing, whether staying in town, or visiting our town, welcome to philadelphia by the way, if you're watching, perhaps, in your hotel, anyway, here's the deal for saturday, sunday, we will be watching this low pressure system to the south. it will stay, far enough south, that we won't get heavy rain from it, it is how close
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it comes, that's the key, to whether we get any rain at all. we will get the gusty breezes as we're inbetween the two systems, especially, on saturday, the winds are worse saturday, but the chance every rain increases sunday, you see the rain just getting into delaware, part of southern new jersey, possibly, hear in philadelphia. so, as far as weekend temperatures, we will be in the lower 70s, in philadelphia, on saturday, around 70 at the shore. >> still windy sunday, as well, 22-mile per hour wind gusts in the city so hole onto your hat. how about the rain? this is one of the computer models, and it is showing if we get any rain at all, .2 of an inch. that's not a l but it may be poncho worthy. papal poncho, of course. now, here's your general
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overview of the weather for the weekend, because we've got the parade, we've got the festival of families, all happening on saturday. the festivals on the parkway, the parade, bob will tell but that route, through center city, and generally, low to mid 70s for the temperatures, and nighttime lows in the mid to upper 50's, that's that slight shower chance is more for sunday, than it is for saturday,. >> friday, saturday, few clouds, and monday, tuesday, wednesday, warming back to the 80s once again. soap, bob kelly, the parade is a big thing, i know you'll get to that route for us. >> yes, definitely that parade saturday, going to be a big one, probably the best chance to see the pope and the pope mobile, if you don't have a ticket, live look at the talcony palmyra bridge here almost complete with an opening that freight is her headed southbound, the love boat will not impact us for the rest of the morning.
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>> bernie cat he will was dock. >> gofer, who was congressman in iowa. >> fred grandy. >> and isaac. >> and isaac the bar tender. >> who started the -- starred in the most episodes? >> jewel. >> i pick one. >> jewel. >> i jewely? >> captain stubing. >> lay it on. >> captain. >> yeah! >> 246 episodes. >> captain stubing, captain mc cloud. >> little star on your collar. >> thank you. >> everyone every us will be out on the parkway taking
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pictures, what if everything shutdown? how some of the cell phone companies are making sure you'll have enough data, that you'll need, to take pictures of pope francis. because it could become a problem. >> more than take pictures, do you have up load them, mike. first, here is a look at last night's lottery numbers. ññ
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slow, zoom out here, what you are ooh he a look g at right at the us capitol in washington, d.c., i'd say probably a thousand people, maybe, maybe 1500, that have gathered already. because the pope francis will be at the capitol, addressing congress, at around 10:00. that's the washington mall, you can see, all the way in the distance, to the washington monument. almost pick out the lincoln memorial, way in the distance. >> i think already seeing more people there. just check in here couple of moments ago.
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yelled the music was beautiful during the mass. so back it the cell phone issue with the papal visit. verizon, at&t, spending millions of dollars apparently to make sure that you can use your cell phones so you can up load, download, send text messages. >> so lauren? >> hello. this is the first social media pope, right? >> everyone posting pictures, videos, on vine, on twitter, on instagram, what have you. this is superbowl for at&t and verizon, they need to make sure, only 20, 08,000 people in one spot, you got to think oh, superbowl time. make sure they can handle the traffic. spent each $20 million for the first ever us visit of pope francis. and so far so good talking to our friend in d.c., did not have any issues yesterday sending out messages or
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picture, they said, video was little slow but still went out. >> lauren, did you see the pope when he came out of the embassy, all of the selfies being taken with him, and all of the pictures? >> yes. >> fantastic. >> but i have to say -- >> that's what they have to brace for. >> here if philadelphia i'm little worried. i went to made in america, that festival, that was make 50,000 or something like, that we couldn't send text messages, you couldn't up load anything. like so i know for this, i mean, a lot more people are expected, upgrade the network, booze the coverage for philly, let me know monday. >> yep. >> $23 million? i know sometimes the eagles games we have a hard time. so wow, 23 million. i haven't noticed any of the sites they put up.
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>> you know what i like? oh, season two premiered last night and it was good one, jenn fred. >> guys, real quick, darwin walker is working on helping the eagles and other nfl teams get their cell phones, pretty cool. so, two things people are worried about, the pope, and empire, and empire did not disappoint. if you saw it at all, saw a lot of guest start, if you didn't see it, we have you covered. come on back, because we're talking empire, all morning long. and the pope.
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>> the parkway, starting to take shape down there. that will be a very elaborate stage, alex. >> it really will. looking at the rendering what when was it last week? looked amazing, stowe see it coming together, it will be nice. >> will you get a papal poncho? plus we'll take to you dc. >> crowds already gathering outside the capitol for pope francis and his arrival this morning. here we go. another look, every time we check back, more people, it keeps growing. >> so true. almost all of the grass is gone now, he doesn't show up therefore another three hours, maybe goodness. >> after kicking off see the pope landed not yet, the day before yesterday, right?
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>> like in the evening. >> so the third day, and on his third day in d.c. he'll make history. >> become the first pope ever to address joint meeting of congress. >> hey doug luzader, will you be there? >> well, not on the floor of the house, unfortunately, not a member -- or fortunately i guess not a member of congress. but, we will be out here. you see all of the people that have gathered out here, folks were waiting really from the we hours of the morning, to troy to stakeout a good spot, these are some of the hottest ticket in town. the pope is going to address congress, from the floor of the us house, but then he's going to emerge from the speakers balcony way up there, that's why so many people are out here. just to catch a glimpse of the pontiff. pope francis seems entirely comfortable navigating the streets of washington. even pausing now and then to kiss a child along the way, and wave to the fateful. >> just seeing him that close, could you see all his press
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glens who doesn't want to see the pope? >> the pope had just come from the white house, where he had emerged not from the pope mobile, but from tiny fiat to greet president obama and speak to crowd of more than 10,000 people. at times he touched on political themes where he and the president share common grounds like immigration and climate change. >> climate change is a problem we can no longer be left to our future generation. >> will he bring that kind after message to capitol hill today? will he make church aspect of church doctrine? may instead stick to broader cultural themes. >> criticism of the culture of disposing of things, this culture of ours, that would have us dispose of things very easily, but also, dispose of people, the globalization of indifference as he's called it. >> for the pope this trip has
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been whirlwind. politics aside, he also celebrated mass at the enormous basilica in washington. elevating junipero serra to sainthood, bringing catholicism to california. as we come back live here, outside the capitol, looking at the speakers balcony, that's where the pope is going to emerge, along with house speaker john boehner. that will will happen we think just few minutes after 11:00 this morning. and let's be honest, that's really why all of these people are out here. >> oh, yes. >> this is going to fill the national mall, or at least part of it, and they are expecting maybe 50,000 people, maybe more, who knows at this point. but it is going to be quite a day here, as the pope wraps up his visit. then ultimately heads to philly. >> okay. >> want to get that bless being from him. >> you know what's big, when you have a world's largest jib, that has camera on the end of it right behind your head there. >> how about that? >> that's huge. >> i guess you couldn't get any closer, you're up against
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the fence. didn't get any ticket for the vip seats? >> we have ticket, but they actually kind of coraled all of the media in behind the fence. we one closer than -- >> as they probably should. >> got kick out. this is as close as we can get. you agree? still not bad seat to v and it is abut full morning out. >> so true. doug, great job again, see you tomorrow. clock 34. hey, sue? >> looking at bus stop buddy. because he's got nice view from behind his shades, yes, it is a sunglasses casino of day, even though we have quite a few clouds out there this morning, temperatures are in the 50's, and 60s for most of us. but few of us have temps in the 40's, we'll take a look at the map in a second. first we give you double digit for your number of the day, we go off to cool start this morning, we have a ten. we have precipitation to the south which we will watch very carefully as the weekend gets closer. 58 degrees, in the city. forty-eight pottstown. it is 48 in millville. 55 degrees in wildwood. but how about a high
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temperature of 82 degrees? just a little bit warmer than yesterday. the changes in our weather are coming just in time for the weaken, we will track all of that coming up in just a few minute. so bob kill, what you got? >> traffic alert at the king of prussia mall. >> oh, oh, that get everybody's attention in the studio. accident 202 right at gulph road, right at the traffic light, for the king of prussia mall. anyone leaving say coming over the bridge there out of norristown, heading south on 202, only that far left lane is open there. otherwise, slow going on the blue route between route one and 95. accident, earlier accident, westbound, schuylkill, delays heading into center city. even a delay over here on 295, near the 42 freeway. starting tonight, 10:00 o'clock, the vine expressway ramps to center city here, eighth street, broad street, 23rd and the parkway, will be closed. so, the vine opens, but the ramps will be closed being, so no access into center city. going to the madonna concert
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tonight coming home into center city, come right up broad street. because you will have no access off of the vine street expressway. question was the ben franklin bridge, we're open today, it is closed for vehicle traffic beginning tomorrow night at 10:00. and then keep in mind through the weekend, the folks on the jersey side, you have to put up with closure, too, all of the access roads, the on and off-ramps to the admiral wilson boulevard, the ramps from 30, 38, 07, 130, everything that goes into the airport circle, all of those ramps closed because with the bridge closure, no where to go. so expect delays on the camden side, they are allowing access for buses then of course the pedestrians walking up and over that ben franklin. they don't have an eta whether this will be open or not for monday morning's rush hour. i'm betting probably not until lunchtime. so, plan ahead for monday's morning commute. mike, alex, back to you. >> okay, it is 7:36. bob kelly, the queen of soul
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will serenade pope francis when he comes to philadelphia this weekend. but she's going to give him more than just a song. she plans to hand over some papers, but what casino of papers? >> ♪ >> and as we get ready for the pope. we want to see how you're getting ready. send us your pictures on facebook, instagram, twitter, #fox29pope. >> ♪ for life... (husband) hon! it's grover cleveland! (female announcer) ...when you play the new cash4life, from the pennsylvania lottery. (husband) let me get this. (female announcer) that means you too could experience the joy of winning. (wife) look who went shopping! (female announcer) every day... (grover) your chariot awaits! (announcer) ... for the rest of your life. (wife) jump on!
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(grover) nothing like a new mower. (wife) what? (grover) see you tomorrow! (female announcer) cash4life from the pennsylvania lottery. play for fun. cash for life. how do you start the day brighter? make the ride smoother? and finish with a smile? you've got this. you've got t.j.maxx. better brands, at prices that help you maxx life!
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>> ♪ >> do you think she'll sing amazing grace? >> oh, that would be something. >> will it be on that stage that she will be singing? >> i hope it will be. >> it has to be. >> that stage already magnent sent tonight see that on that stage, with her magnificant voice? it will be too much. >> it will be good. but she has an extra special gift. i mean, just singing for the pope is a gift. but she has special gift for pope francis, after she sings
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on sunday. >> plan on giving the holy father a boxed set of all of her father's civil activists famous sermons, she's one of seven musicians chosen to perform for the pope on his visit along with andrea bocelli. she said she feels most appreciated, and will sing amazing grace, she; another song she says it will be a surprise, so she don't want to reveal t so we will hear amazing grace. >> what's the other song going to be? come on, man, so many choices in her repetoir. i guess it would be spiritual in nature, i would think. okay, officially, fall. that means, doctor mike is coming in, to poke us. >> oh, no. >> you know how i feel about shots, mike. >> live on the air, our flu shots, bob kelly, just passed out. >> can i take the liquid? >> no. >> come on, you big baby. come on over here and take your shot. >> and jenn fred's all about empire from last night. >> yep, absolutely, everyone
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is talking about it on twitter. so, the question is, what was your most shocking moment? what blew you away? we'll talk about it right after the break. a lot of people say just one thing, we'll show you.
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>> ♪ beautiful day ♪ >> oh, you said it, bono, it is a beautiful day in the pocono mountains, here in the
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city, at the shore, everywhere, experiencing about the best weather we expect for this late september. but here's the deal. if you're going to the shore this weaken, and we know many of you are, it is irish weekend in wildwood, some folks just want to get out of town, maybe not dealing with everything that's happening in the city, so here's the deal. you will have a loft cloud cover at the shore, dangerous rip current, don't even think about going and swimming in that ocean, because with that off-shore storm it, won't be fun. then a chance of some showers on sunday, towelly, yes, that saturday, sunday, and it will be windy both days. so here's the deal. with the potential rain for the situation, for saturday and sunday, it is sunday when we have a chance every rain. but even if we get some, we won't get very much. i'll get it together. wind gusts, 23-mile per hour wind gusts, on friday, a 22-mile per hour wind gust on saturday, but look at the shore, we'll have wind gusts in the 30, 35-mile per hour
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range, that's what we are talking about, windy at the shore. nineteen, 18-mile per hour wind gusts sunday, so it will be a hole onto your hat casino of weekend. now giving you the forecast for some of the major events, pretty much everything is happening out of doors here in the city, in relation to the papal visit. 75 degrees temperature, saturday at 4:45, and independence mall, if you have tickets to see the speech, and then, when that speech is finish, is when the parade begins, bob kelly will give that you route, thinking the parade will start probably around 6:00. but again, it will be very, very windy, on sunday, it is also going to be very windy. 72 degrees, a lot of cloud, a slight chance of showers, and even if you get a shower it, doesn't look like it will be a deluge or anything, maybe a .10, .2 of an inch of rain. this is the system we have to watch very carefully to see what it decides to do ultimately. we'll watch ultimate doppler all weekend long, future cast for today, plenty of sunshine, clouds roll in tomorrow, and
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you can see down to the southwest, some of the rain trying to get here on saturday. high pressure casino of keeping it away. it may not succeed all day, greater chance south and east of the city along delaware, the jersey shore, it is cool in the northern suburbs in the 40's, 58 in the city, 57 in wildwood. yesterday made it to the predicted 08 degrees, today we beat that with 82, we get back to those cooler temperatures on friday, we stay in the 70s, over the weekend, and really, those temperatures in the 70s are pretty comfortable temperatures for the folks spending a lot of time out of doors for all of those events, both saturday and sunday, whether you are coming from around here or if you came from far away, welcome to philadelphia. headed out the front door, schuylkill expressway little inbound, westbound the delay
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from city line on out. sue mentioned a parade, we got one for you the big one saturday immediately following the pope's address at independence hall. address starts 4:45, so we're figuring 6:00, 6:30 or so when the pope mobile will make its trip from eakin's oval up the parkway, around logan circle, with the cathedral is, into center city, around city hall, and then back up the parkway, ending at the steps of the art museum, bamm, 7:30, we start the festival of families, right there on the parkway. this is going to be your best chance to see the pope and the pope mobile, if do you not have a ticket to any of the events at independence hall or up there earlier on the parkway, the parkway itself, because of all of that closed this morning, martin luther king drive, push off at the vine, kelly drive push off at fairmount avenue. same deal the last couple of days, putting up the pope fence, 10-foot high pope fence, all around old city,
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center city portions of the parkway. there is no officials travel restrictions here, except for the parkway this morning. if you are coming into center city, i would suggest you park in a parking garage. and one area we haven't talked about, route one here, city line avenue, will be closed from belmont, up up to lancaster, of course, saint charles seminary, and across the street mike anal he can, lankenau hospital, i got a tweet that lankenau starting to close the parking garages, because of where the pope will be staying there, also, security, in that area. so, watch for papal delays along city line out there at lancaster through the week end. >> whether he goes over there to the seminary to rest, could i go to city line and stand there and watch and go by? >> yes, actually come barred, city line avenue will be closed between belmont and lancaster avenue. so that parking, that area there, you have the mall, but you have chill eye's.
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>> friday's. >> friday's, all of that. you will be able to see the papal motorcade. the stretch though from belmont up to city, up to the schuylkill, where the target is, and the 555 building, that will be open. so, folks are going to be de forward from havertown shall push them off at lancaster, girard, back on at belmont. so there is casino of big loop to get around. but, from the suburbs, if you want to see the pope mobile, before he goes to and from the seminary, that is the spot to do it right there in bala. >> that's saturday. >> on saturday and on sunday. >> and hopefully have the windows down, in the fiat, maybe do some waiving? >> all right, 7:50, did you watch it last night? at 9:00? empire, season two? >> oh, it did not disappoint. it was really good. wasn't it, jen? >> absolutely. and we heard there would be tons of guess stars this season, they certainly kick that off. we saw that anyone, and everyone, will be and could be portrayed. right as frank gator, chris rock, orders lucious to be
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killed in person, in prison, this happens. >> kill him. make it fast and quiet. i'm sorry, i think you're confused. >> you always wanted to run the streets. but me, i wanted to move the world. but mike, he may never see his mom again, because he's serving life. but he doesn't have to worry about the mortgage, tie care of that. and his baby girl is sick. and she will need some help. god, what was it again, god? just, that's right, he's a musician. just like freda. kill him. make it loud and make it long.
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>> and by the way -- >> he is so mean. aries all the time on twitter says that that was her favorite scene. so we've been asking people on twitter and facebook, what they liked about it. a lot of fans disappoint today see frank or chris rock go so fast, on the flip side, it looks like marissa isn't going anywhere any time soon. and oh, that boo-boo kitty, she's naughty. >> i heard a lot about you. who did you hear from? >> i like it rid there. >> welcome home, mimi. let the dudes from atlanta give us a run for your money. you know keen got some hooks into those cats. >> we have our eye on the future, mimi, make big streaming play it, will go global. >> i hear may be free agent soon. >> ya? who do you got in your ear, mimi? >> don't you worry your pretty
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little weave about that. >> what i want to know why do you want to depose lucious? >> why? what we're hearing about this, from the producers of this guy, at last season it was all about who will have the empire. this season, it is war. it is war. so everyone will be going back and forth, back and forth, obviously just the beginning, look to go hear from, by the way, already on twitter, i have -- i'm in trouble. emperor says i just gave everything away without spoiler warning. >> true. >> we were just thinking that, my gosh, we need to do spoiler alerts. >> i dvr it, thanks. >> that's what we do. >> this is so how important it is to watch empire what it airs. you know we will talk about it, you know people will tweet about it. >> oh, it was on last night at 9:00. >> jen, you're forgiven. all right, let's take our clothes off. we'll get our flu shots next. come on back. here we go. which arm? >> doctor mike, which arm?
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>> which ever one you want. >> someone on twitter told me your dominant arm. >> your non-dominant arm.
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anything. anywhere. anytime. anyone. spread the delicious taste you know and love. hershey's is mine, yours, our chocolate spreads. what's up mikey?ringing) (beep) play awe♪ome party song. hey buddy i heard you're having a party. what? if i was having a party, i'd invite you. would you? yeah. (phone ringing) oh! i got another call. adam: i'm not having a party! hey chris what's up! you heard about adam's party man? it's going to be crazy. i knew it! (beep) find the closest party store... introducing app-connect. (google voice) here are your directions. michael: i'm gonna throw my own party. the things you love on your phone, available on 11 volkswagen models.
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>> it is flu season, so it is time for flu shots. >> line up everybody. so, last year, we all know that flu shot was not that good. this year, the centers for disease control have come out with a quad a veil end flu shot that should work much better, it is the best way to prevent the flu. remember, thousands of people, folks, die every year from the flu. so, you got to get your flu shot. we'll start here, first one. >> first off i love when my doctors gloves match his shirt. >> i try to be stylish. >> it is the little things. >> it is the little things. >> do they smell like lavender? >> all right, now, what we do, bob, i want you to relax.
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>> i know. >> hold his hand, mike. >> just hold him. >> bob, breathe. have you her gee a.m. bar a? say no. >> ex's like what? >> do you have any allergies to latex? >> no, i'm good. >> so, look, this is knott like jumping out after airplane. >> i know, just do it. >> no tight shots please of the arm. would you freak out at home. >> now, what you will see here, what we are doing. >> put it in there. >> we are cleansing, sterilizing the del at this time triangle area. here we are. here we go. >> oh, my gosh. >> re lack, you're all tens. >> just do it. >> oh, my god. >> suck it up. >> oh,. >> sue, have you had yours? >> sue's had her flu shot, yes. >> how was that. >> it was okay. >> oh, come on, it was the best shot you've ever had. >> he didn't do it yet. >> did you even feel it? >> you are looking little pale. >> what is that. >> he is looking little pale, doctor mike. >> don't you dare.
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next? >> now, i promise, yes, i'm supposed to go see ariana over at the rite aid in glassboro to see mine, but doctor mike is here, too late. >> we have to do it. >> so you will snot. >> michael, have you ever had bianbarr (. >> no, raspberry bar a? >> have you ever had allergy to latex? >> no, i have it on right my. >> oh,. >> now, do you realize -- >> every year. >> you do realize this is papal weaken. do you realize? all right, we got to try to keep it clean. so here we are. so we are get this ready to go. >> all right. >> this is very important stuff. >> okay. >> all right, now, here we go to the deltoid triangle. >> are you doing this. >> alex, yes, you will do it. >> there we are. little bit. little bit. >> see, i double swab, because i love you so much. >> you doubt swab? >> i double swab. >> probably need more cleaning. >> i need more cleaning?
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alex, seriously. i need more cleaning. >> oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. >> something is wrong with him. >> little bleeding, little bleeding. >> oh, no, no. >> there go. >> there we are. >> there. >> oh,. >> we have a bleeder there there we are. >> oh, look we're out of time. >> wait a minute. out of time. >> wait. i have to put a band aid on. hold on. >> all right. thank you, doctor mike. >> wait. >> have you had other tests done like your prostate? >> i'm good. >> hold on. >> your a patching him up. >> we want to say good day to you, get your flu shots, it is thursday, september 24th, 2015. >> and these shot don't give you the flu. stop it. >> they don't give you the flu. stop it. >> live from the fox 29 studios. this is "good day philadelphia". >> history in the making, and you're going to watch in just two hours from now pope francis, will address congress in our nation's capitol. what we can expect to hear from the pontiff. and why one lawmaker says he's
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boycotting the speech. >> plus the barriers are going up and the cars are being towed away. here in philadelphia, as the pope's visit nears, we'll tell you how you can get around this weekend. >> we check in with lea to see how she's still staying strong, yes, lea still in our studio today. >> i can't wait to see leah. shy had to be readmitted the day before yesterday. but she will be in our studio today. so i think things are improving for her. she so cool. >> in case your alarm just rang, mike and bob just got the flu shot. somehow alex escaped. >> no, doctor mike is waiting right over there. he said he's coming for me next. >> got to right up in here.
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>> yes. >> okay. >> this is the time to get your flu shot. so do that soon. >> look, singing. >> weather,. >> owes there is something there. >> no, we can't show that. >> my goodness, doctor mike. >> the numbers, yen, ten out of ten today. my goodness. all right, we've got bus stop budd which some sunglasses on today. it is bright. it is beautiful outside. just few clouds, whole lot of sunshine, temps mostly 50's, 60s. watching that southern storm to see if it makes it way here over the weekend. maybe, maybe not. 61 degrees right now. we have 61 in allentown, 58 in trenton, 53 degrees on milville and 58 in wilmington, delaware, how about this? high temperature of 82 degrees, just a lovely afternoon, in store, by
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lunchtime, you'll be at 76 degrees, so whatever you're doing, today, try to spend a little time out of doors. because it will be worth t look at that, bob kelly. >> you got it 8:03, good morning, actually not that bad out on major roadways, 42 coming in toward the city you'll find delays from 55, in toward that 295 interchange here in bellmawr, the septa stations will be closing later on tonight. at 10:00 o'clock, fifth into 15th street station, broad street subway, the city hall street station, for the trolleys, regional, 15th and suburban, mainly the station that is are right here in the secure zone, that's 10:00 tonight through the weekend have the alternate stations where you can -- using mass transitment right now the only street closures, still same as yesterday, ben franklin parkway, closed martin luther king drive, push on to the expressway, kelly drive, push onto fairmount
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avenue. if you are coming into center city be aware the secure zones we've been talking about all week, putting up the papal fencing, and of course still no parking. >> perimeter overnight, early this morning, skyfox, live shot, near broad and cherry streets in center city not far from city hall, there was stabbing. >> victim taken to hahnemann university hospital. happened about 6:40 this morning, we are working to get more information, you can see that there are police there on the scene there, they have the tape up, trying to figure out. >> put up barriers up for pope francis visit here to philadelphia. more on that in just little bit. speaking of the pope. well, let's see, what are we, 48 hours from right now, we will be waiting for his plane to lan over atlantic aviation.
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>> that's right. he'll be here in philly, coming up. so, new jersey transit, patco, they all say they're ready to help folks get in and out of the area. >> hey, jenny, what's going on at the clothespin? >> yes, all gearing up and getting ready to go, however, even though we're just couple every days away, there are still a lot of tickets, only about 100,000 people purchased tickets so far to ride the, still four times more than physical weekday traffic on saturday and sunday, some of the stations are opening up additional parking and will offer airport style shuttle drop office. they'll also have added security as people pack the rales to troy to get into the city for papal festivities, and for patco riders, freedom passes are on sale now, about will also be sold on saturday and sunday, certainly operating stations, new jersey trough i shall -- officials made it clear anyone who wants to get to philadelphia for the pope's visit will be able to do so. there is no limit on the number of pass being sold, however, there are limited operating stations, those are
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lindenwold, woodcrest, ferry avenue, broadway. trains will begin returning to new jersey, from the tenth and row cuss stops at 5:30 p.m., and, if you choose to walk your way to philadelphia, the ben franklin bridge is your option, beginning at 6:00 a.m. saturday, the bridge will be closed, to vehicular traffic, as of friday night. it will open on monday. so there is a lot to take in there. so i suggest that you go to each individual website whether it is patco, in. j transit, or septa, and figure out your own plan. mike, al next. >> got to figure out your own plan for sure. good idea. okay, day three, pope francis, in washington, d.c. >> yep. so he's going to be speaking at the capitol. will make history today. being the first pope to address the joint congress. >> see how many thousands of people already out there? they've been out there since about 4:00, 5:00 this morning. this is back at the embassy, vatican embassy, where in about an hour he'll wack out. i bet he walks out exactly 9:00 like did he yesterday. >> you remember yesterday of course there are the student
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there, they are waiting hoping that he'll come out and do the same thing. come out, shake hands, give hugs, take selfies. we learned interesting fact this morning that there is about 200 student that get to stand there, and they rotate them out. each time when they have this opportunity here in front of the vatican embassy, they will rotate new set of student, everyone gets a chance to see the pope. >> when he leaves, and whether he comes back. >> yes, annie, what are you hearing? what are you seeing? >> well, i feel probably like these children. it will be an exhilarating moment when he stems out here. i wasn't out here yesterday. so the excitement is definitely building. you can skee the smiling faces, everyone is very excited. and as you mentioned, these are the school children here, gathered, they gathered here about an hour and a half ago. and as soon as pope francis gets outside, you will start to hear that roar, as he makes his way to his vehicle. we don't know quite frankly how he will or how this will go, because yesterday we were surprised by the selfie,
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ourselves. but we do know that he is going to take the time to greet the student, and in children that have gathered here, by shaking hands, hugs, and maybe even blessing rosaries like he did yesterday. now, as we mentioned, that those groups of children have been sharing the greeting duties as the pope comes and goes. they represent more than 09 catholic schools, and every parish in the dioces here in the area, sort of in these shifts. so we'll see them, different faces, every time he comes and goes. at 9:00 right now as you see, then when he comes back here at 12:15, it will be different set of student. then at 3:15 when he depart for joint andrews base have new group of faces. but after he leaves here at 9:00 he'll head over to capitol hill for the the 10:00 a.m. historic meeting with congress. some important issues, he'll tackle there, and then after meeting with congress he's expected to make a stop on the capitol's west frontment then head over to st. patrick's where 60 parishioners will will be waiting for him wait to go help those who need it most. by 12:15, he'll come back here
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and hopefully rays up, in time from that 4:00 p.m. departure, then he heads off to new york city. and then onto you guys, mike, alex. aren't you guys excited? >> overwhelm. i was an alter boy for goodness sake, went to mass every day of my life almost, women, certainly in grade school. thrilled. manure ' close. you are close to the front door there, annie. come on, you could get a selfie. >> i know, i know. and i'm going to, i'll do my very best, they have these markers up here, gosh darn i'll get as close as i can, because i really want that dinner with you, mike. >> see? >> she remembered. >> this is a woman of taste. >> is it? >> it is because she's never met me in person. >> that's probably it. >> annie, we'll get back to you. >> we'll see you at 9:00. >> all right. >> okay. boy, so excited. >> and somewhat attractive. >> somewhat? she is gorgeous. >> gorgeous. okay, we fell in love with this little girl when we went
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through, you know there is cancer site. and follow her story. she was in the hospital day before yesterday, but she's out in our studio this morning. there is devon still her daddy. there is leah. we'll find out how leah still is staying strong. >> and wedding in new york may become the ultimate religious experience. why this couple says, they don't mind -- >> oh, the pope's there?
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we thought we'd be ready. but demand for our cocktail bitters was huge. i could feel our deadlines racing towards us. we didn't need a loan. we needed short-term funding. fast. our amex helped us fill the orders. just like that. you can't predict it, but you can be ready. another step on the journey. will you be ready when growth presents itself. realize your buying power at
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by switching to progressive. that was me, mom. [ laugh ] i thought you said, "that was me, mom." [ laughter ] >> it is irish weekend in wildwood. the weather will not be ideal. wind are expected to gust to up 35 miles an hour, temperatures both days, in the 70s, and a slight chance of a shower, on sunday, but very windy at the shore. your ocean water temperature, 73 degrees. but, with dangerous rip current, you really are not going to want to go swimming. coastal storm, whole pesky reason why, it is really getting on our nerves, but not going to go away, so, these are the temperatures, we go back to the 70s, both days of
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the weekend. both saturday, sunday, casino of low 70s, at the shore, and inland. now the win gust, look, saturday, 30, 31-mile per hour wind gust at the jersey shore, 22-mile per hour wind gust predicted in philadelphia for all of our outdoor activities. and the same for sunday. and wind gusts in the upper 20's, in the shore points. so, going to be windy both days, now, as far as precipitation, if we get any, it may be about .2 of an inch, if anything, and that would be on sunday, so the general overview, of our activities, for all of the outdoor stuff happening with the papal visit, low to mid 70s during the day, mid to upper 50's at night, many clouds, gusty breezes, and a slight chance of showers, both days. so we keep an eye on that system, today, tomorrow, and of course, over the weaken, because we're broadcasting with you all weekend long. 82 degrees, today, 70s, through the weaken, then we warm back up into the 80s, by
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the time we get into the middle of neck week. so, that is your seven day forecast, regardless of the weekend, bob kelly, today is a ten. >> today's a ten, kids are off from school. the philadelphia public school system, took the rest of the week off here, 8:15, live look at the schuylkill expressway. westbound delays, pretty much in the boulevard out toward conshohocken, inbound, dealing with some sun glare, at conshy. pennsylvania turnpike, slow from ft. washington, over to mid-county, even a delay here at philadelphia, from the construction, big concert tonight, madonna in town, 8:00. south philadelphia, you will all have no problem getting there, but headed home, the closures will start to kick in off of the vine st. expressway, you won't enable to exit the vine expressway, into center city, so, if you live in center city going to the concert go right on up broad street. another spot for the pokes from the suburbs, would like it catch glimpse of the pope in the pope mobile, don't want to come no center sit dow that here along route one city
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avenue both saturday and sunday, see the pope staying at the seminary, saint charles same near, spending the night there. so, saturday, midday, when he heads back for little cat nap, and then at the end of the night, then sunday, as well, the stretch here, of city avenue, between belmont and lancaster, lancaster of course right where the seminary is locate will be shutdown through the weekend. also the folk from the lankenau hospital, across the street, have security concerns for some of the parking garage will be limited so this area here bala cynwyd, watch for some delays, and closures, on the schuylkill, no problems right now except for some sun glare, big parade on saturday. probably kicking off at around 6:30 or so. the pope will address the crowd here at independence hall at 4:45. and then the pope mobile will begin here at eakin's oval, again, probably around 6:30 or so. that's the best shotty think you'll have of seeing the pope
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in the pope mobile if you don't have a ticket to any of the events, going to swing around city hall, back to the steps of the art museum, and they have it timed so he gets back to the stems, bamm, 7:30, and that's the start of the festival of families concert there, on the parkway. mike, alex being back to you. >> bob kelly, thank you for that. 8:17 the the holy father will leave dc and fly to new york new york city later this afternoon, already warning resident with some major traffic jams, especially, this evening, in new york sit. >> i so the visit impacting one couple on come employment i different level. their wedding receptionment tomorrow it is supposed to be tomorrow, it may or may not happen. >> i thought for sure they were going to get this canceled because it is in central park, isn't it? >> exactly, they planned this thing a while ago. so the couple got engaged, booked this at the central park boathouse two years ago, before they new about the pope's visit to the united state, had everything in place, right? so they fawn out about the
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holy father visiting new york city. weren't too worried about until more specific plans started to be released, then they found out pope francis would be having a parade, on the same day, in the exact same location. and the park will have zero access except for the pope's motorcade. >> being from a close-knit irish catholic family, we see this as it is meant to be. we don't see it as a bushed end. we see that the pope is meant to be in central park at the same time as us. >> so, evidently, authorities work worked with the couple and said they could still use the venue as long as they could make it thereby a certain time. then once they were in, they would have to stay in, and until pope francis' motorcade was gone. as of last night the couple was told they could still have their wedding reception there at the boat boathouse, but that was yesterday. as you know, everything changes by the minute it seems with the planning. but as of right now, they're going to do this tomorrow afternoon? >> this is on.
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>> as long as they stay inside the boathouse? >> right. we see this going on here in philadelphia. >> there was couple supposed to get married here right next to independence mall, but they had to cancel their wedding. i find this have interesting this cup nel new york can keep it on. >> with the timing. i remember, i talked with official at the world meeting of families. it was pope benedict who named the world meeting of families city at philadelphia three years ago. >> right. >> and then year later he resigned. so pope francis inherit in the trip to philadelphia. so we didn't really know that the pope was even going to attend, and come to the u.s., and then he added cuba to it, and after philadelphia's named he added dc to it and new york. >> that's right. >> well, this is really going to be interesting. i mean, if he gets word of this couple, he might stop the motorcade and go in? >> might and pope pop up. >> here is the thing with this couple. can you imagine if the pope is
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there? they could never get a divorce. never. >> never. >> true. >> they shouldn't anyway. all right, chris, thank you very much. >> i don't know if this is something i'll real veal that nobody knows about me. >> oh, no. >> back in the day, about 20 years ago, i did -- i was a part of a male review. male dancers, like magic mike, in fact, my name, that's where they got the name, magic mike. >> you are the original magic mike? >> and somehow we found video of this. we'll play a little snip it of it here. and i will dance with them, we found part of the video where i actually danced with them, is shirt off. we will play it. >> oh, my goodness? >> in a matter of minute.
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just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at >> another look outside of the embassy, student there are waiting for pope francis to
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come out and walk out of the doors there as he gets ready for another historic day in washington, d.c. we will continue to take you back there live as we get ready for pope francis to begin his day. >> we expect him to walk out 8:55, and 9:00 this morning. hey, welcome back everybody, 8:24. >> well, who could forget our next guest? we first fell in love with leah still after seeing her in her and her father devon still talk about their incredible journey and what she's been there. there have been hashtag leah strong, right? and just watching them and their relationship together. really is an emotional store. >> i we followed her struggle with cancer, it is so great to have her in studio witness begin, lee, a welcome back to good day philadelphia. hi, leah. and her mother here, high, charging. >> so, we heard that leah was in the hospital the other day. >> well, she is actually spotted to get admitted, one of her levels was slightly off. she will be this monday. >> i have us update. how is she doing. >> still in remission.
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we have about four more treatments of clean up therapy. and then we will be done. >> and how do you feel, lee. >> go good. >> good? >> yes. >> you look amazing. >> thank you. >> what do you have planned for this weekend? how can we help? >> saturday actually a 5k walk/run, host in the delaware, and it is actually to raise money to help with pediatric cancer, for at leah still foundation, so we encourage everybody to come out, registration from 7:30 to 8:30, walk starts at 9:00. it will be at del castle park in wilmington, delaware. >> when people come, do they need to wear a certain color? >> you can go on line and register leah still foundation. com. and then they also, we had t-shirts there for them. so they can get it. shirts. >> look at all of this arm candy that you got going there. >> that's bracelets. >> oh, bracelets. >> we like your bracelets. >> thank you. >> are these your favorite bracelets. >> this one is. this one is. this one is. this one is. this one is.
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this one is. but not this one. >> oh, but not that one. why are you wearing that one? >> that's a hospital bracelet? >> yes. >> i don't like that one. >> you have the other once to make it prep. >> i uh-huh. >> yes. >> are those charles on that? >> yes, daddy got me this one, and this one. >> your daddy, devon? >> yes. >> and this one and this one, and this one. >> oh, and i see elsa. >> daddy came through. >> devon still, football player. >> that's a pretty one, too. >> i don't know where this came from, but my dad got me this one and somebody made this. >> your dad's been busy shopping? that's nice. >> did you get to wear these? i know you have been busy. gout to walk for new york fashion week, didn't you? >> yes, two times. >> two times. oh, you're professional. >> let's do a walk right now. >> can you show us your walk? let's do it. >> here's the catwalk. >> you'll walk that way. >> you have to show him
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thousand do it, leah. >> you have to flip around. >> yes, that's what i do on the red carpet. >> oh, the red carpet, very nice. >> jenny, good to see you. >> good to see you. leah, do you still do the fist bump? >> yes. >> can can we do one right now? all right. so one more. okay, one more. all right, stay strong, okay. >> okay. >> so glad. see you at the walk this week end. >> okay. >> perfect. >> wonderful. no, thank you. so nice to meet you. >> got to take a quick break, coming right back.
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>> we are 29 minute away from the pope coming out of the washington, became cents i, we did it, another perfect dale, ten on a ten scale. we'll take you there live, of course. oh, my goodness, look at it now.
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the washington mall. it is pack. that's where pope francis will address congress. what about 10:00 o'clock this morning? >> that's right. look at that, so many people, they were expecting tens of thousands of people to come up. like i said, mike, every time we check back, more and more and more people. >> gorgeous. hey, sue? >> the same deal in d.c. as it is here, just the same weather that we had yesterday, and it was so gorgeous, the angle of the sunshine, and how it made everything a glow. well, that's the deal with -- is he glowing today, bus stop buddy? just so happy with his sunglasses on, and temperatures in the 50's, and the 60s, this morning. in the weather by the numbers, we upgraded to a ten today. because even though it was a cool start this morning, things are going to be fabulous, as they were yesterday. so, our high temperature today, getting ready for excite being fox fursday, high temperature today is 82 degrees. on the mild side. plenty of sunshine, then
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tonight, we have a low of 60 degrees in the city, we will be in the 50's in the suburbs, as well. so, that's a look at your weather authority forecast. still, assembling our hunks and our hounds, hopefully you saw my tweet earlier hunks for hundred. it is that time again. once a year, fill adopt recall comes out with calendar with hung -- hunks and hounds. bob kelly with traffic. >> i don't have calendar, no, but an accident here, eastbound lanes of 422, right near trooper road, a beginning of a little sun glare, little jam, as you head in to king of prussia. there is your slow spot. 17 miles an hour, on the pennsylvania turnpike, between ft. washington, mid-county, slow going, 27 miles an hour around your conshy curve. madonna in concert tonight, 8:00 down in south philly, leaving the concert, there will be no lane restrictions in play on 95, or the schuylkill. just the ramps from the vine
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expressway, to center city, will be in shutdown mode, as we get ready for pope a mania, coming this weekend. back to you. >> kitten, fox fursday, all about helping our poor legged friends. >> now you can help needy animals, by staring at some hunks in this calendar month after month. some of the hunks and the hound and the kittens are with us this morning, so is michelle helms and of course she is president of philadoptable. who is this you? >> any gosh, this is the mom to those gorgeous babies here. >> wait until you see the kittens, want to talk about the calendar. is it out snow. >> it is, it just went on sale machine day. >> 2016. and and an h unk a month. >> so we have 14 hunks and 14 potential pets? >> yes.
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>> actually some are rescued pets, and it is very lovely. >> beautiful. all right, now, let's take a look first of all at the first hunks? >> you have two kittens with you, what month are you? >> july. >> july. this is mr. july. >> yes. >> can't wait. all right, and your name is? >> william scott. >> which month are you? >> i'm september. >> mr. september. and who do you have with you there? >> aladin. >> can you see aladin? all dressed up. he does not care -- he is not depressed by our zero and two record, he? >> not at you. >> who are you, mr. . >> derek shaver. >> what month? >> december. >> oh, so you're a holiday month. look at the kitten. what's the kip he's name? >> i have no idea. >> the kitten's name? >> you name the kitten, it will be your kitten, if you adopt it, right? >> we'll call him marble. >> okay, back to michelle. michelle, the idea of coming up with this calendar, it is proved to be very popular, very good fundraiser for philadoptable. >> i can't take credit for the idea, our friend catherine did
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the first calendar for us, but so much fun. and you know -- >> i can't stand these kittens. >> these guys make it a lot easier this time of the year. >> you have some important things you're raising money for. >> just bought anesthesia machine for the philly shelter, a scale and we just put roof, permanent roof on a play yard that we had built two years ago. >> wonderful, the anesthesia of course important for the spaying and neutering program, so important. >> all right, well those are your hunks, and these are your animals, you know what, all every thee animals available for adoption, just go to the facebook page every fill adopt recall? >> we'll put them up. some other things on our fox fursday segment, to tell but this morning. because we have a very special event this weekend, for the main line animal rescue. it is their barkolounge event. i believe we'll talk about that right now, this saturday, and it is out in phoenixville. at the main line animal rescue. this is this saturday night. starts at 5:00. go to ml --
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>> very important fundraiser for the main line animal rescue. it includes a silent auction, dinner, rhea coolidge, grammy award singer, big animal lover, will entertain saturday night at bark-o-lounge animal rescue, also on saturday, there is another event coming up, there you go, and it is dogs home is they're hosting free pet vaccine clinic from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and that is in coatesville. dogs and cats receiving free vaccines, so important to get the dogs, all of their shots, so there is just couple of events. what complete fox fursday this morning. hunks, hounds, mike jerrick, he want to be -- >> i enjoyed your pictures of the calendar, i just want to know i have ' been involved in a businesslike this in the past. >> right. >> i used to dance with a group called manpower
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australia. >> when was this? >> this would be in the 90s. >> oh, oh. >> we will show this video. >> look at this guy. >> after the break. >> oh, my. (screams). >> watch my dance. with the fellows from down under. >> yikes. >> yahoo. >> ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪
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do we have anymore chips? [off screen] fellas? uh, sorry. we were day dreaming. about that vip tailgate and game tickets? uh yeah! and that pre-game sideline experience... exactly. or even eagle season tickets! [shouting over crowd] how do you know? you both have the new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery. yeah, the eagles instant game with top prizes of $50,000. and second chance prizes, including season tickets. [both sigh] the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life.
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dunkin' has a dark roast coffee that's deliciously roasted just right for a bold start and smooth finish that's never bitter. put down the dark roast you've been putting up with and reach for the one you deserve. >> breaking news, we first told but at about 7:00. police now say a person stabbed in center city has now died. skyfox flew over the scene just short time ago. >> this is broad right at cherry street inside the restricted zone. so, we've had a death now inside of the restricted zone. the zone of course being fenced off because the pope is coming here to philadelphia on saturday morning. >> broad and cherry streets, not very far from city hall.
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>> police say the victim was stabbed once in the chest, he is a 47 year old victim. we'll have more information for you in just a little bit. >> no arrests as of yet. >> in honor of pope francis coming to the u.s., we found five surprising health benefits if you're religious. >> so religion can lower your blood pressure. >> okay. >> it can better your immune system, add years onto your life. and it is also good for your mental health. researchers proven religion can give you more satisfaction in life, make you more resilient in the face of obstacles. strong bonds you build with congregation cents as one of the biggest reasons for those benefits. >> how about that? i'm going to go back to church. >> by the way, i think it is quite interesting that a person who has had a love-hate relationship with many popes is in philadelphia tonight. i'm speaking of madonna in
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concert tonight. >> and how close? going on her way out as pope francis is on his way in. >> a lot of people are talking about imagine, because she is the master planner, so we will talk about that. and mike and alex, we're also going to talk about how he feels about the people's pope, pope francis. you'll want to hear what she had to say about him. >> ♪
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>> 8:45, high, sue. >> taking a gander at bus stop buddy. this morning, just wearing the polo shirt. because he knows that it is going to be getting into the
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80s, a little later on, temperatures are in the 50's, and the 60s, right now. so, we have plenty of sunshine out there. we're giving awe ten out of ten, in your weather by the numbers. here is 61 degrees, our current temperature, real comfortable, gorgeous out there right now, high temperature later on of 82. so on the mild side once again today. mike and alex, if only we could keep this weather going through the weekend. >> come on. >> but we can't. just few changes, it will be okay, we'll be fine. >> winnie saturday, chance of rain sunday. >> just slight chance. >> it will be fine. >> okay, so, interesting, a woman like i said has had her love/hate relationship with different popes over the year. madonna is in town philadelphia in philadelphia as she's leaving the pope will be coming in. >> and so, jen there is will be interesting to see how this plays out. >> one more wack owe thing, speaking of sue, do you know that sue serio and madonna, same birthday, same year. >> yes. >> same person. only different.
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>> yes, we're exactly alike. >> i prefer sue. in the past madonna, no surprise, has not had the best relationships with popes. former popes have accused her of blasphamy, provocation, one look at some of her former videos and you can see why the catholic church might not have been so happy. >> ♪ >> pappa don't speak ♪ i'm in deep ♪ i made up my mind ♪ i'm keeping my baby ♪ >> ♪ when you call my name ♪ ♪ i'm down on my knees ♪ i want to take you there ♪ in the midnight hour i can feel your power ♪ just like a prayer ♪ you know i'll take you there ♪ >> now, because the holy father is in the united state, we didn't show many of the
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controversial parts of either one of those videos. but obviously she was really going at the catholic church. but whether it comes to this pope, a lot of people are calling him people's people. seems madonna is ready to play nice. get this, in february, she told billboard magazine, quote, i feel this new pope is casino of groovy. and i think we might be able to get together and have a chat about sex. >> really? welshing one thing they do have in come on, the tango. >> ♪ i'll be your fire when the lights go down ♪ when there is no one ♪ no one else around ♪ we'll be it two souls in ghosttown ♪ >> and who is she dancing with? lucious lion himself. it is all coming together. so perfectly. so a lot of people are saying that, you know, madonna is on the east coast for a reason,
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maybe she can come back in, or, you know, maybe meet him in new york, tomorrow, it is madonna. the people's pope. he does like to hear people's opinions, and he likes different types of opinions. we believe. >> we shall see if she -- i believe she will mention him tonight. has to. >> so if you go to the concert, because i can't go to the concert, but if you go to the concert tonight, please tweet me. please tell us what the heck happened. >> i actually a.m. going. >> shut up. >> ya. i've never seen her in concert so i'm going. >> like a broadway show, it will be really, really good. >> i'll let you know. thank you very much. all right, now, as i said, i'm a performer like mad done, a andy this in my past. >> you said you were the original magic mike. >> that's where they got the name. so we're going to play this dance number that we found, this is from the 90s, when we come back.
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>> about 452nd ago, pope walk out the vatican embassy to the delight of washington, d.c. catholic school kids. >> that's right, they are the student out, there waiting out there probably since around 6:00 this morning. and they are taking pictures, he's been shaking hands, and giving hugs. you can hear them screaming. they're so excited to get to meet pope francis. now, yesterday he was even blessing some rosaries, so we'll have to see if he's doing that also this morning. snow is a wonderful thing. we talked about this, how rotating student through. there are more than 27,000 students who are in catholic schools in washington dcn area. imagine a loft student who want to me -- meet the pope. each time they rotate different set of student so a loft kids will get a chance to meet him. >> when he comes back this afternoon rest, whole set of other catholic school kids in
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there. rotating them through. >> new faces new excitement. >> boy, we have a camera very close. >> now, just before you came out, the black fiat pulled up again. that's what he's going to use again today to go over to capitol hill to address congress. and again, the very first sitting pope to address congress. and all of the presidents give the state of the union address? >> advice press joe biden will be hine him as well as house speaker john boehner, both catholic, and speaker boehner, he was an alter boy. >> oh, yes. >> and he's said that he's tried to do this for about 20 years, tried with pope john paul ii, tried with pope benedict. now pope francis is going to be coming and he'll make history. >> there is a hug after lifetime. just on the -- kiss on the cheek. >> then do you have take a picture, to prove it actually happened. >> it happened. >> and the know the pope 7.2 million followers on twitter. so, of course, i'm sure once he posted he'll tag the pope in there.
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>> we have to improve. that will because somebody like kim kardashian has 50 million people on twitter, he only has 7 million. come on, people, i bet this changes that over this weekend. >> oh, i'm sure, i'm sure. >> so to see the kids reaching out. i just love that he takes his time and he's making g sure he shakes every hand, everyone gets their own individual moment with him. >> there is the fee as -- fiat, francis fiat. >> you know when i was watching mass yesterday, he was born in 1936, on december 17th, right? so most catholic parents will baptize their child pretty quickly the next couple of days. they waited until christmas day of 1936 to baptize their son, right? did they know what was coming? they baptized their child on jesus christ birthday? which we never real dow in the united state. this is in argentina now his parent right there, italian immigrants. >> they are.
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>> and then look what happened. the kid they baptized on christmas day becomes the leader of all catholics in the world. >> and that was something that he mentioned of course at the arrival ceremony yesterday when he was speaking at the white house. he said that, you know, i come from an immigrant family. so thank you for will coming me. he started talking about topics such as immigration, and climate change. he even quoted doctor martin luther king. >> i notice that. >> he said we can't leave these issues to future generations, these are things we need to tackle now. of course these are some of the things that are also expecting him to talk about when he talks in front of congress a little later this morning. >> i always marvel, too, at the gigantic smile he can create on people's faces. >> and even the smile on his own face. >> yes. >> he says he's most happen when he's out with the people, and then he's get to go meet them, get to go talk with them. >> that was evidence yesterday when he went from smiling at the embassy here, goes over to the ceremony, more elaborate ceremony at the white house,
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and he was -- his head was down, he wasn't smiling, he was deep in prayer, also, he says he gets up at 4:30 every morning expense the first two hours of day in prayer, meditation. >> he does the morning mass. >> we can all learn interest that. >> so true. >> he says mass every day. >> even yesterday when was watching, you know, all of the coverage, he has been busy non-stop from yesterday, when we were seeing this moment, when he came out of the vatican embassy until it was probably late into the evening, i was thinking wow he's really going. >> well really going for 78. and what, 19 years of age, he had to have half of one of his lungs removed because he had a lung disease. so he has shortness of breath, but he's doing just great. so we'll catch up with him when he gets to the capitol, all right? there he goes. we'll take a break.
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9:00 am
>> there are they're gone. pope is going over to motorcade to address congress where he will address. look at the crowd waiting over on the washington mall inside of your screen. they are looking up at the capitol building which has been shrouded, what, the last year in scaffolding, resurfaced the capitol building. >> of course, they're hoping they'll get a glimpse of the pope. after he does his speech and he addresses congress then he'll come out, there he'll stand there, and possibly wave, maybe give a blessing. >> on that very balcony, they'll walk out, that will be great scene, roar of the crowd. >> it will be. >> we'll take you there for that in just a few minute. good day it is thursday, september the 24th, 2015. >> all right, let's change to another topic here. because i heard that mark wald berg is in philadelphia, of course. >> yes. >> for the pope's advice. >> i he is hoping to host the world meeting of


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